Haygood United Methodist Men (UMM) is a supportive fellowship of men seeking to know Jesus Christ and in turn grow spiritually. UMM does this through a common bond of Fellowship, Outreach, Witness, and Service. 

Our Goals are to encourage knowledge of and support for the total mission of the United Methodist Church. To engage in evangelism by sharing the fullness of the gospel in personal and social dimensions. To clarify and speak of to the identity and role of the man in contemporary society. To seek commitment and discipleship. To study and become familiar with the United Methodist Church, its organization, doctrines, and beliefs.  

UMM is actively engaged in bearing witness to Christ’s way in daily work and in all personal contacts through words and actions; engaged in definite Christian service including many various Church and community outreach events; engaged in regular Bible study and prayer.

Young or old, there is a place for you to serve our diverse community.

Join us for our regular breakfast gatherings which also include a time of spiritual formation at 8:00 a.m. the fourth Saturday of each month in the Social Hall, except in July and December. Enjoy great news, interesting guest speakers, and wonderful fellowship over a very reasonably priced a-la-carte menu.